• Seismic investigation and preparation of seismology reports and preparation of specific response spectra
  • Geology consulting services e.g. preparing geological engineering surveying maps, sections, and general geological reports to be employed in dams, tunnels, bridges, etc. projects.
  • Seismic and geotechnical hazards evaluation
  • Performing geophysical, geoelectrical and surface and deep seismography tests to determine the geotechnical and geophysical parameters of soils and rocks.
  • Zoning and micro-zoning of landslide potential , liquefaction potential, and field effects
  • Path finding assessment according to the geology for the case of linear projects i.e. oil, gas and water pipelines, power transmission lines projects and presenting, longitudinal and transverse profiles sections.
  • Earthquake assessment including determination of the bed rock depth and the crust thickness, active faults nearby the field, seismic parameters estimation, analysis seismic parameters, risk analysis, estimation of maximum acceleration.
  • Preparation of the specific seismic response spectra
  • Evaluating of the field effects and its seismic type
  • Evaluation of the design spectrum in the bed rock and the ground surface
  • All services related to geology engineering and earthquake engineering according to the client's needs